Happy Friday!
Weirdest winter ever! Usually we're hitting -40 by now. Currently we've been having above freezing temperatures...in February! I wash my car only to get the base dirt off until it gets sprinkled with muddy splashes again. This likely won't last, more snow and colder temperatures are on the way...but by then we'll be enjoying sunshine and palm trees :)
Grace & Peace,
Content: This Week…
On the Blog (a memoir the church shouldn't miss!)
On my Shelf
In Articles (on parenting, bible study and living for Christ)
In Snapshots
Previously on Mosaic
On the Blog
This memoir is so well-written on a topic that's so necessary for the church today. It's difficult to read about her abusive dating relationship, but there's much to glean through it in our great hope for healing in Christ.
On my Shelf
I finished reading Fasting, Prayer and Humiliation for Sin by Arthur Hildersham, a set of sermons set during an outbreak of the plague. Yes for some it might be too soon, but I enjoyed his pastoral reflections. (I read this for the category of a book more than 100 years old.)
I started How to Know A Person by David Brooks—I'm very intrigued. "Artificial intelligence is going to do many things for us in the decades ahead, and replace humans at many tasks, but one thing it will never be able to do is to create person-to-person connections. If you want to thrive in the age of AI, you better become exceptionally good at connecting with others." (p.21)
In Articles: On Parenting
The Parenting Book Too Few Parents Read | Tim Challies
I can't say I've read this one too often, but it's definitely on my mind now!
Discipling Your Kids Through the Armor of God | Amy Davison (Mama Bear Apologetics)
The armour in Ephesians equips us for battle. Not a fight against others, but against the spiritual powers. This article walks us through a little field training as we disciple our kiddos.
Vetting Kids' Entertainment Isnt a One-and-Done | Brett McCracken (The Gospel Coalition)
"It’s neither realistic nor desirable for parents to peer over the shoulders of their kids 24-7. Still, to be “hands off” after an initial endorsement is unwise in an age when unbiblical values are everywhere in the media landscape—even (and sometimes especially) in seemingly wholesome content geared at impressionable young people. Here are a few tips for how Christian parents can stay vigilant."
In Articles: On Bible Study
Tips for Delighting in the Old Testament | Jason DeRouchie (For The Church)
If you're reading through the Bible this year, you're still in the Old Testament, so here's a timely encouragement as we bask in Israel's history to enjoy this first portion of scripture.
In Articles: On Living for Christ
Win People Rather Than Arguments | Marine Graaf (The Gospel Coalition)
This article helps us consider how we engage with others on topics inconsistent with biblical truth. Do we truly see the person we're talking to?
When You Desire to Cultivate Faithfulness | Leah Jolly (Hosanna Revival)
"As followers of Jesus Christ, we should heed God's command to have the fruit of faithfulness present in our ives, but how do we cultivate it as we aim to follow Christ."
In Snapshots

(nearing the end of packing!)

(good thing I could leave my work desk like this!)

(because this is how my week felt)

(what are they doing?? wait, why is he up in the tree??

(yay! I got my degree in the mail! but why are we crafting Valentines day cards on top of it? and shouldn't you be packing?)
Previously on Mosaic
3 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
1 Year Ago
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