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Mosaic (Oct 4)

The Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world (1 Jn. 4:14)

I must have heard this verse at least twenty times yesterday, each time spoken by little voices reciting their memory verse. Some were shy, others bold, but every time I heard it, my heart leapt. Such a simple, profound truth proclaimed with childlike sincerity.

Later, during group time, the skit reminded us: salvation doesn’t come through good words—kind and loving as they are—nor through good deeds. High-fives are great, but even a hundred won’t take away our sin. We need a Savior, and that Savior is Jesus. He reminded us to share this truth with those around us.

It’s easy to talk about the weather, work, or our kids, but it can be harder to speak of the peace, joy, and satisfaction we find in the grace and mercy of Christ. Last night, I was challenged to do just that. (Children’s ministry isn’t just for the kids 😉)

With my heart filled with gratitude for the person and work of Christ, may this truth be on the tip of my tongue today, ready to share with those who need hope, encouragement, and the life-giving news of the gospel. Whether in moments of casual conversation or deeper connections, I pray that my words reflect the love and grace I've received, pointing others to the Savior who brings peace beyond understanding.

I hope you will too!

Grace & Peace,


Content: This Week…

In Articles (curated content just for you)

Five Things

1 Finding jackets 🍂

It's 2 degrees C this morning. Two degrees! I've already begun coping with the darkness on my morning drive to training, but I'm not ready for this chill. I'd love for it to be delayed, you know just a few more months....alas I forget my physical location at the 49th parallel. Now we're hunting through closets to find the puffy jackets to keep us warm. Sure it'll heat up a little once the sun comes up, but that walk to school will be chilly. I'm reminded to enjoy the season I'm in—I really can't do anything about the weather anyway. But I can keep on the lookout for the goodness and beauty around me, tending gratitude in my heart.

2 Freezer Meals 🌯

I keep reminding myself how convenient it is to have meals prepped and ready! I spent two days in August preparing meals, and I’m so grateful I took the time. I made a few recipes in individual portions, like soft tacos wrapped for easy grab-and-go and small containers of burrito bowls. It's been such a relief to have them ready when needed. The only downside is that we’re running low now—time to restock and make some new ones!

3 Birthday Parties 🥳

We officially have a teenager! My daughter turned 13 last weekend, and we celebrated with a lunch and a friend party at a local hotel, where the girls swam, played Twister, and enjoyed pizza. I love how she’s intentional about including friends from all parts of her life—jiu-jitsu, cousins, summer camp, Bible study, youth group, and school. Some of them didn’t know each other, so it was a great chance for new friendships to form. It truly warms my heart.

4. Training others. 📝

I've often found it a bit awkward to do my job while orienting someone at the same time. Explaining my thought process doesn't always come naturally—I hear my thoughts but forget others don't. Everyone approaches things differently, sometimes drastically so. Over the years in nursing, I’ve focused on asking questions to encourage critical thinking. The practical skills are easy to teach, but it's the ability to prioritize when things don’t go as planned that truly matters.

5. Second-degree tear of my MCL. ⚡️

I always knew injuries were inevitable in martial arts, but it's never easy to deal with. Thankfully, my physiotherapist listens patiently as I recount how it happened and carefully assesses my knee’s stability and pain points. I'm relieved it’s not my ACL or meniscus—phew! Now, I have some exercises to work on and will keep taping it. My sister joked that she stopped training partly because one of us will need to push the wheelchair when we’re older, and she’d rather be the one pushing! 🤣

On the Blog

  • On exploring the practice of affirmation

  • A review looking at the essential role of community worship

In Articles 

The Street Singer | Hannah Grace

While I usually share articles with you, I’ve recently discovered a new love for blogs that feature short fiction. This one, in particular, captured my attention—it’s both thoughtful and evocative. I’m excited to share it with you and hope you enjoy it as well!

Evangelism can be challenging, but it involves more than just speaking; our actions and Christ-like behavior play a significant role. Many times we contribute to someone’s faith journey over a period of time, and it’s important to remember that God ultimately causes the growth in people's hearts. We should find encouragement in knowing that our efforts, guided by the Holy Spirit, are valuable and part of God's work.

On a camping trip in Algonquin Provincial Park, Cheryl struggled with fears of worst-case scenarios before kayaking. (Don't we all do that sometimes??) Despite her worries, the experience turned into a beautiful adventure filled with nature's wonders, including the beauty of the surroundings. She reflects on how shifting her focus from worry to wonder allowed her to appreciate God's creation.

Jesus, Our Calm in the Storm | Sarah Koch (Chasing Sacred)

"Living under the duress of uncertainty has disoriented my faith. My once vibrant and hopeful spirit has given way to exhaustion and doubt. I have sat with the Lord in prayer more times than I like to admit, simply saying, “I have no idea what You’re doing. Is this all worth it?” A prayer of little faith." 

A Dream-Big Prayer | Jim Essian (GCD)

"Your spiritual heart needs to get bigger to contain all that God has for you. Dreaming big is an invitation to hand over more of your life—more of your heart—to him. And we can dream big because God loves us." I think my big dream is for the grace to keep living a faithful life for the Lord. This article inspires us not to settle for less than wholehearted surrender to Christ and dependance on Him to fulfill His work in us, which may be more than what we think.

Previously on Mosaic

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