The tree went up.
I guess that means its official, Christmas season is upon us.
This first week of advent I've became aware of the treasure it's been to share fellowship around the Word through bible study. We hear from each other and grow together, it's a gift I'm not taking lightly.
Add in a couple shifts of work, volleyball games, hockey practice, gift shopping, BJJ and my week came and went like knocking off styrofoam cups with a nerf gun one by one.
Content: This Week...
On the Blog (reflections on advent, the month in books)
In Articles (my curated content just for you)
On The Blog
What Are We Waiting For? Reflections on the Comings of Christ. As I've been pondering advent maybe you have been too, wondering about what it is we're waiting for, so I wrote my reflections here.
What's On My Shelf (Nov 2023). The monthly roundup of titles that have crossed my shelf. You'll find both non-fiction and fiction titles to help you discover and discern what to put on your shelf next.
On My Shelf
I finished reading Nobody's Mother this week. It's more academic than I expected, but still accessible. She discusses the cult of Artemis and how it's important to our understanding of the church in Ephesus and particulalry the letter of 1 Timothy. My thoughts are here.
My library picked up this series as ebooks, so I grabbed them all :) I'm finding it easier to wait until I can read a whole series together without time lapsing in between. Willow is the second book, continuing from the first as she heads to the MiLE compound in Nigeria to help trafficking victims there. Lots of trigger warnings here as this series is about human trafficking.
In Articles
Every.Single.Word. | Jacob Crouch
It's increasingly dificult to listen to the news because the effort involved in discerning fact from opinion. The media continues to stream, yes we must utilize wisdom in absorbing information, but isn't it a beautiful wonder to approach the Scriptures without doubt or second guessing its truth and perfection.
The Invitation to Create Space | Jen Polluck Michel
I took some time this week just to digest this in light of the advent season and the coming new year:"Creating space somehow captures what many of us long for in a busy world of push notifications and 24/7 news. We want space for what is crowded out in our hyperconnected lives: for deep calling unto deep in our souls, in our closest relationships, in our sense of kingdom participation, in our creative making. We want more than triviality and busyness, more than scrolling and shopping, more than email and deadlines. We want purpose and rest."
Lord, Save My Great-Great Grandchildren | Trevin Wax
Do you pray this sometimes? I know I do, but maybe not as often as I could. Renew your fervor in prayer for the generations to follow you.
The Advent Magazine | Risen Motherhood
If you're looking for a beautiful magazine to check out online, search no longer. Well illustrated with insights, scriptures and poems for this advent season.
Instagram Addicted Your Teenager Because She's Worth $270 To Them | Chris Martin
Sobering. If you've ever wondered what age to let your kids get social media accounts, here's a few things to consider.
In Snapshots
(This whole FODMAP thing is complicated and wouldn't do it for fun. Pesto chicken pizzas were tasty. Made the flatbread—yes that's why they're different shapes, made my own pesto and cooked chicken. A lotta work, but it was worth it)
(Here's how the kiddos set up one of our nativity sets. Angel on the roof, naturally. But...where is baby Jesus?? Apparently we're waiting for him to come)
(Here's a hot beverage delight. Found this tea infusion at Costco, mixed with oat milk and warmed up is *chefs kiss )
(Practicing shot accuracy at smiley faces. This really made me laugh)
Previously on My Mosaic
4 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
2 Years Ago
A Year Ago