Content: This Week...
In Articles (my curated content just for you)
In my Earbuds (this song has been on repeat)
Five Thoughts: Missions Edition
I had board meetings this week, so loving and caring for our organization is on my mind. I hope these insights will equip you to give, pray and support the missionaries in your local church and beyond.
1 When we look at the unreached people groups in the world, the 10/40 window holds the majority of those who remain. These are primarily countries who don't provide missionary visas. So, how do they go? The growing need for creative entry into these countries where Christians can serve with integrity in a profession or work as intentional witnesses for Christ. Tentmaking ministries aren't merely about being expats in a foreign city, it's about intentional relationships and sharing in addition to their given business.
2 The Lord provides. Canada is the second leading country in sending workers overseas (in our organization). We've watched singles, couples, families, retirees respond to God's call on their lives to carry the message of Christ to the nations. Time and again, though the challenges of raising support are many, we wait, we pray and we trust for the Lord to bring what's needed. During our time in Tanzania, when the days were hard and we questioned our calling, these were the moments we remembered, the testimonies of how God made a way through the challenges to provide for us through the generous gifts of others.
3 And, while we do trust, the trends seem to indicate the church hasn't been giving like they used to. Yes to the overwhelm of inflation and the strains of the pandemic, but these rising costs for everyone also mean increased costs in sending. Our organization always encourages a priority to giving to the local church, but asks for over-and-above generosity toward kingdom work overseas. (If you happen to feel led in your end-of-year giving, consider supporting us with a gift)
4 Out of sight, out of mind. I remember feeling this as we were gone. Life here in our hometown carried on as usual, our life in the African bush also had an ebb and flow, but there's a fear of being forgotten. On this side of the pond now, I see how easy it can be to slip into this mentality. To help, I keep prayer cards on my wall, I read and respond to the updates from missionaries overseas. Did you notice that part? (The, "respond to") It was SO encouraging to have someone respond to our email, even just with the line saying they were praying for us today, or letting us know what they were up to. It's that piece of belonging and connection that brought joy to our heart. So I'd encourage you to do the same for those who arrive in your inbox.
5 As we send, we also know that the difficult work ahead requires prayer warriors. Again, we trust God to bring his good work to completion, but we're tasked as those who send to be diligent and faithful in prayer. How can we keep this at the forefront of our daily busyness? I have a few ideas for you. Consider subscribing for updates from Pray Africa, where you can get a daily email, or join a whats app group. Download the PrayerMate app where you can subscribe to groups like Operation World or AIM and get those requests loaded as you pray.
I'll always suggest Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper to stir your spirit toward missions. You can also grab my free prayer guide, Expect Great Things to help guide your prayers for the beloved ones you've sent.
"And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." (Mk 16:15)
On the Blog
The Best Books of 2023. Here I share this year's highlights from all my reading. You'll find a variety of Christian living, fiction and other nonfiction titles. I hope you find something of interest!

(that moment when all your holds at the library are ready the same week)
On My Shelf
I finally finished Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges (stay tuned for the review next week)
I'm still going through Between Black and White a memoir written by one of my colleagues about his experience growing up in apartheid South Africa.
I started a few others (because it seems I always have a few on the go). 10 Women Who Changed the World is really, really good! The Culture Map I'm reading for a leadership course I'm a part of. And I started Peace Like a River by Leif Enger—it's great writing, but feels slow to me, so I may need some cheerleading to keep me going.

In Articles
Grief Oblivion | Brittany Allen
In the experience of pain and suffering, Brittany reminds us, "Jesus showed us exactly how to love in the midst of pain."
The 12 Ways of Christmas: How to Share Jesus During Advent | Andrew Knight, Desiring God
This is a great idea list of ways you can be intentional about sharing Christ this season! Think about it, 90% of people will celebrate Christmas while only 75% could tell you what it means. There's some great open doors here this season! Pick one idea from this list to shine some light into your world.
When You Discover Advent in Genesis | Julie Morey, Hosanna Revival
Does this sound unlikely? Perhaps your advent readings aren't usually linked to the first few chapters of Scripture, but here's a look at what Genesis shows us about advent.
The Long, Forgotten Reformation in France: A Brief History of the Huguenots | Stephen Davis, Desiring God
You don't really have to be a history buff to learn or benefit from the past. Here's an interesting article about a persecuted minority who weighed the tension of duty to the King as his subjects and duty to God as Christians.
When this season seems more about filling, we're reminded of our Savior who instead humbly emptied himself.
To The Mom Whose Child Gets Sick at Christmas | Marissa Bondurant
My friend Marissa reminds us of the need to preach the gospel to ourselves when we're stuck and things don't turn out like we expect this season.
In My Earbuds
I heard this song for the first time during our worship time in North Africa. The deep sense of dependence we need to grow on Christ really comes out, it's been on repeat over here.
In Snapshots

(I joined the ranks of those who must tape before training. Xrays say it's not broken, ptl.)

(My son's ask for a souvenir from my trip was a chess set. This one is made of olive wood and makes a great activity for when we're all just sitting.)

(Enjoying volleyball season!)

(Lunch these days...without gluten or lactose)

(Text: "No rush but just wanted to make sure you're coming to the meeting."
Me: A meeting?! It's not on my calendar!! "I'll sign right in!" - as I scramble on)
Previously on My Mosaic
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3 Years Ago
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