Happy Friday!
We are in the middle of an extreme cold weather warning, with windchills between -40 to -50C. It's the kind of cold where your eyelashes stick together when you blink, your jacket crunches when you move your arms, and the furnace runs more than usual.
It's reassuring to me that this is 'extreme;' it's not normal type of cold, it's the dangerous kind. I'm reminded of Jesus' words to the church in Laodicea, "I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot" (Rev 3:15). There is no mistaking this extreme cold weather, you can't get it confused with anything other than freezing.
What's the temperature of our walk with the Lord these days?
Are we in the range of lukewarm, undistinguishable from the world around us? Or are we growing in the means of grace, spiritual habits that are strengthening us, transforming us into greater holiness, that we are seen as separate, and different from the world around us?
"So be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock" (Rev 3:19-20)
We may all find ourselves wandering the path of lukewarm sometimes, but here's Jesus' invitation to repent, and to open the door of pursuing deeper growth in him again.
What do you need to repent of today?
This week on the blog:
From around the web this week:
"To extend the benefit of grace to another believer means rather than overlooking concerning behavior, comments, or situations with the assumption that your brother or sister in Christ probably didn’t mean what they said or did, we move towards them in the confidence of the gospel and with the promise of grace."
'There are two biblical kinds of gratitude. One way to be thankful in the midst of a hardship is to be thankful that it isn't worse. This kind of thankfulness isn’t the best, deepest, richest kind of thankfulness, but it is legitimate nonetheless."
This article really got me. Megan Hill reflects on the value of our "hellos" to the people around us at church, and that "it would be a mistake to conclude that just because a relationship isn’t close it isn’t important."
"There are three big dynamics of the Information Age, and the technology of the Information Age, that work against our wisdom, making it hard to be wise." Here's an article summarizing Brett McCracken's upcoming book, "The Wisdom Pyramid" as he encourages us toward wisdom, in the midst of so much information.
"Where can I find a refilling and refreshing that feels like uncontainable joy rather than the constant dragging from one responsibility to the next?'" (Or from one day at home to another). My friend Mariel offers some encouraging tips.
A short reflection on our priorities, between treasuring the world and treasuring Christ.
