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My Mosaic (Oct 1)

It's the weekend! And the beginning of a new month. The geese honk their goodbyes overhead, fallen leaves cover the deck and the mornings greet me with cool, crisp air. As I look back, I notice the wrestling of getting back into routine, organizing backpacks, lunches and schedules. While we've all been enjoying the return to school, it just takes some time to adjust into new rhythms and routines.

These seasons of change remind me to practice patience. Most times, I’d prefer change happen without me, that I could wake up the first day of school and everyone be programmed into the new schedule without any effort on my part - getting them up, remembering to pack lunches (and bring them), times for piano lessons, etc.

But we are not programmable, nor are our families. The work of change in transitions isn’t easy, yet it does invite our participation. When we’re trusting the Lord in it, that patient, surrendered work gathers fruit in our character as we step forward in obedience.

How has the Lord been using this month to grow patience?


This Week on the Blog


This Week in Articles

"The gospel is designed to remake our entire souls, reorienting us away from ourselves and instead around God and others."

Find two, "practical proverbs for leadership and life."

I always find these reminders good to look over, as browsing through and posting on social media becomes second-nature.

This is a great article by Dane Ortlund, helping us consider how we read our bible. He lists 9 ways, from the hero approach to the warm fuzzies approach, and shows us another to pull the Bible's story together with the gospel.

From the Joyful Life magazine, this article shows us the importance of our own words as parents, and to carefully consider the words of our children and use these as discipleship opportunities.



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