Happy Friday!
Today is the birthday of one of my oldest friends, the oldest. I'm talking back to the days of children's church when her polka dot turtleneck and denim skirt self, stood beside the fuzzy felt board depicting our bible story.
I'm so grateful for friendships.
There are many things my friends teach and model for me. It's the way they remind me to pray first when I have a tendency to act, how their gentle voice contrasts with mine, their ability to extend more and more grace when I feel I can't. It's the sharpening we bring each other as we walk in faithfulness alongside our Lord.
How do your friends sharpen you?
This Week on the Blog
This Week in Articles
"When our hearts are broken, and the road before us seems dark, we must more diligently seek to see him in his Word. It's then we discover, that he's been walking beside us all along"
"We are not without hope." Here's some thoughts from a nurse in the US.
"We fast in this life because we believe in the life to come." On the Risen Motherhood blog, biblical encouragement and practical tips on the discipline of fasting.
What is the path less traveled when it comes to resentment in our marriages? Read this article for a definition and how to find hope.
An interesting reflection from Trevin Wax on the present pandemic and spiritual responses to historical pandemics like the Spanish flu and Black death; the interesting consideration of God's power and judgement.
