Facing danger—perhaps not the most festive topic amid the warm glow of Christmas tree lights. Yet, when we reflect on the first Advent of Christ, we see the presence of risk woven into His story. Mary and Joseph faced the dangers of traveling to Bethlehem along dusty paths where thieves could lurk. They struggled to find shelter as Mary approached the time of birth. Later, amidst political unrest, God directed them to flee to Egypt. Eventually, they settled in Nazareth, where the Lord Jesus Himself would encounter danger—from religious leaders, government authorities, and ultimately through His suffering on the cross.
This Christmas, as we gather in the comfort of celebration, we remember and pray for those working in difficult contexts around the world. These faithful servants prepare, pray, and serve communities without the presence of the gospel, bringing the light of Christ into the darkest places.
As we delve into Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk and consider the factors and nuances of navigating risk for gospel workers across the globe, we are reminded of the incomparable worth of Christ. He is the treasure above all treasures, a gift worth more than gold.
Navigating Risk in Ministry: A Book Review of Facing Danger by Anna Hampton

Purpose of the Book
This book equips missionaries and those who send them—mission leaders and churches—with a robust theology of risk and practical tools to apply it in their unique contexts and various aspects of life.
Table of Contents
Part One: Bible and Spiritual Background of Risk
Chapter 1: The Enraged Beast
Chapter 2: Three Risk Words in the New Testament
Chapter 3: The First Israelite War
Chapter 4: Custodians of the Alabaster Vase
Part Two: Discernment and Transformation in Risk
Chapter 5: Listening for God’s Voice in the Risk Moment
Chapter 6: The First Question of the Bible
Chapter 7: Finding Our Sacred Question in God’s Heart
Part Three: Assessing and Managing Witness Risk
Chapter 8: What Is Witness Risk?
Chapter 9: Common Risk Myths
Chapter 10: Emotions and Risk
Chapter 11: Stewardship in Risk
Chapter 12: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Process and Tools
Chapter 13: Under-Shepherds and Risk
Chapter 14: Pastoring Christ-followers in Risk
Chapter 15: Responses to Common Risk Questions
Chapter 16: Final Thoughts from an Under-Shepherd
The risks involved in serving God overseas vary greatly depending on location and circumstances. In Facing Danger, Anna Hampton organizes her insights into three parts: first, she establishes a biblical foundation for understanding risk; next, she explores the discernment process of entering risky situations; and finally, she offers practical guidance for managing risk. This includes tips for mitigation, crisis response, and ways leaders and pastors can care for missionaries navigating these challenges.
Each chapter concludes with application questions to encourage reflection and discussion, as well as a concise, point-form summary of key takeaways, making the book both practical and accessible for readers.

My Take
During our time church planting in East Africa, we encountered numerous risks—distance from medical help, robbery, and even wildlife. Each of these challenges could disrupt daily life or ministry in an instant. Thanks to the thoughtful training and support from our organization, we were equipped with strategies and plans to address many of these potential dangers. Having a plan didn’t eliminate risk, but it gave us confidence and clarity when crises arose.
However, no amount of planning can account for every possibility. There were moments when unforeseen situations took us by surprise. Whether it was the sudden need for medical evacuation, facing an intruder, or encountering unpredictable circumstances, we learned that navigating risk required more than preparation—it demanded resilience, wisdom, and faith.
One of the most significant lessons we learned was the difference between knowing about danger and experiencing it. Training can prepare your mind, but the reality of living through a crisis affects you deeply. In those moments, the support of our leaders made all the difference. They didn’t just give advice from a safe distance; they had walked the same roads and faced the same challenges. Their empathy, encouragement, and spiritual care gave us the strength to process what had happened and to recommit to our calling.
The Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 10:14-15 capture the heart of why we continued:
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’”
Living with the daily strain of risk is easy to dismiss in hindsight but hard to endure in the moment. It wasn’t until months after returning from the field that we realized the toll it had taken. Small things, like hesitating at stoplights or waiting for the garage door to fully close before stepping out of the car, revealed how deeply ingrained our caution had become.
Yet, even in those moments of strain, the peace of following Christ guarded us. Knowing we were living within the calling He had given us provided an enduring source of strength. There’s a unique beauty in being part of His work, even when it involves personal risk. It reminded us of Christ’s own willingness to face danger for the sake of others—a truth that brought perspective and purpose to our journey.
For those preparing to step into ministry or supporting those who do, understanding the realities of risk is essential. Facing Danger offers tools and theological insights to navigate these challenges, but ultimately, it is Christ’s example and the joy of serving Him that sustain us in the face of uncertainty.

My Recommendation
As we served overseas, risk assessment and management were integral parts of our orientation, equipping us to live well and prepare for the challenges that arise. I feel our organization did this effectively, so much of the content in Facing Danger wasn’t new to me.
However, if you are in a sending office or hold a leadership role in a sending mission, this book is an essential resource. Pastors who are sending missionaries overseas will also find it invaluable. It provides a deeper understanding of the challenges missionaries face, and chapters 13–17, in particular, offer practical insights to help you be more empathetic, supportive, and equipped as you walk alongside your missionaries.
Highly recommend!

Quick Stats
# of Pages: 244
Level of Difficulty: Easy
My Rating: 5 stars
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*A big thanks to William Carey Publishers for the complimentary copy of the book and the opportunity to post an honest review