The end of the year bids us to spend some time in reflection, and for me, one of the ways I reflect is through the pages I've spent time in and how I've grown, remembered and changed because of them. Walt Disney said, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” It's often just a matter of digging up the treasures, and holding onto the truths we've gained.
With this in mind, here are the books that have challenged me, invited me to learn and grow in relationship with the Father, and contained words that have stuck with me.
So here are the top 10 of 2020:

As far as biographies go, this one is excellent. I found myself transported back to my own missionary days, with all it's joys and struggles. Her faith in grief, courage in suffering and resolute surrender to God's purposes, continue to inspire me. Read my review here.
This is the first series I've read by Roseanna White, and I really enjoyed it. In the midst of World War I, Room 40 is the home of the codebreakers. A fun historical fiction.
The centrality of the gospel to our faith is important, even for us moms. Walking alongside us, the authors relate our regular, everyday encounters of motherhood and point us toward the gospel. 5 stars!
If anything this year, I think we've all begun to face the feeling of fear in one way or another. It's a natural response to the goings on of the world these days. She teaches us about different kinds of fear and what the best fear is. 5 stars. See my full review here.
This is a great read for women, helping us to understand our current crisis of happiness. She looks at different aspects of culture and contrasts it with the Gospel to remind us how to find it in Him. Read more of my review here.
Here is a practical guide for women, as they walk alongside another. Mentoring another woman can be intimidating to be sure. This guide gives you a template to walk through, as you grow in relationship with each other and the Lord. Read my review here!
This book is a very interesting travologue across the world as Tim discovered historical objects that tell the story of Christian history. 5 stars and I recommend it if you’re looking for a simple way to learn more about church history! Check out my blog review here.

This book was great! 5 stars and I highly recommend it! Stories of many different people serving the Lord across the World, and how the Gospel is going forth through their work.

"I believe that the greatest opportunity for the contemporary church is to recapture a radically God-centered vision for discipleship" This book is really important as we consider the role our churches take in the discipleship of believers. A practical guide to lead us into a practice of taking our discipleship to a deeper level. (5 stars!) Read my full review here.

The first bible study in this new Flourish Bible Study series by Crossway. For use as individuals or groups, it's light on homework, but loaded with great content. I really enjoyed this study, and look forward to the next ones! (5 stars)
What are your favourites of 2020?