It's always a joy to share good books with you because when you come upon them, the insights we glean can change how we think and act. So I hope you'll find something. to enjoy from the list!
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What's On My Shelf (Jun 2024) | Book Recommendations

Christian Living
Here's a gentle, reflective book on the topic of holiness. She covers a variety of topics related to the Christian life, like hospitality, money, grief and humility from an understanding that holiness is about change, and that it's challenging and progressive.
"Holiness can be daily, ho-hum work. It is often ordinary and right there in front of us. Holiness can have a touch of the monotonous. It might feel boring and invisible, like we are trudging forward and not actually flitting about like a butterfly or being any kind of world changer at all. The reward of holiness might not be obvious to us." (4 stars)
Have you ever felt unseen? If you’re struggling with hurt and loneliness, feeling unaccepted and unworthy, this book reminds us God not only looks upon us when others disregard us, He looks after us—and this is a huge source of encouragement and strength for the Christian. That makes this a title you won’t want to miss out on. Read my full review HERE for a close look. (5 stars)
How nerdy, right? 🤷🏻 Reading a book about how to read books. Well, I read a lot and find myself taking a step back often to evaluate my priorities and intentions with my habits. This is what drew me to this one for some good reminders and practical advice. This is short and sweet, 4 chapters covering the Why, How, What and When questions of the reading life.""My burden throughout the book is simple: Don’t waste your reading. Read for life; read the right way; read the right stuff; and keep reading."
(This title is similar to Lit! but shorter). Recommend for Christian readers of all ages :)
Christian Classic
This was first read through of this class from C.S. Lewis. I think it was really interesting to consider temptation from another perspective as 'Uncle Screwtape' advises his nephew in the art of tempting his Christian target. (5 stars)
A quote I highlighted:"Teach them to estimate the value of each prayer by their success in producing the desired feeling; and never let them suspect how much success or failure of that kind depends on whether they are well or ill, fresh or tired, at the moment"
Global Issues
Okay this is obviously not a heartwarming read. Having lived in Africa, I've got a grasp on how easily resources can be exploited and the conditions in which people live. This exposition is specifically about mining in the Congo, primarily for Cobalt, which is a mineral used in every rechargeable battery. The environmental goals of politicians get higher, without consideration of what more electric vehicles or non-existent recycling initiatives leaves people in other places of the world.
I guess the most frustrating part for me, is the condition of the human heart toward greed. We want, so we take, without thought for the effects on others. It's a humble reminder to stir generosity, awareness and kindness in my own heart. You may want to throw out all you electronic devices after reading this, but that won't solve the problem either. Awareness helps us by increasing thoughtfulness of our actions, even in small ways, and to be fair and just in our lives. And, if you happen to be in positions where you can influence change, to do so. (4 stars)
After their father passes away, the Summers sisters work together to open their home as an ocean view inn for travellers. Each sister has their own story, so there are multiple points of view. I was expecting relationships to be wrapped up at the end, however that's the clincher to get you to book two! I felt like the story was a bit slow, but I'm hoping this is a good build-up for the rest of the series. (4 stars)
1860s Texas. A young woman taken in a Comanche raid, and after 7 years has a husband and a child, learning and adopting the Comanche ways. Her husband is killed in an army raid and she's once again taken against her will. The soldier who took her husband's life becomes her protector, as she rails against the pressure to conform back to social norms. I think the author did a good job illustrating the complexities of emotion and resilience, amidst so much grief and loss. Prayer is a theme as they both seek to understand the Lord's will in trying times.
The story changes scenes and adds new elements of challenge and suspense. It kept me reading til the end. (5 stars)
The Promise of Breeze Hill by
Mississippi 1971. A hardened Irishman, Conner O'Shea is indentured, waiting to earn enough money to bring his brothers across the ocean and be reunited. When his contract is up for bid, Isabella, moved by his desire for his family, accepts the terms and brings him to Breeze Hill to help rebuild. With the plantation near the brink of collapse, threats to her family escalate. Conner's a pretty hardened character which pairs with Isabella's sweet, confident strength. And I loved her father's wisdom and intervention in their relationship. (4 stars)
Previously On My Shelf
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*denotes books received from Netgalley or the publisher for the opportunity to post an honest review!