"Visit many good books, but live in the Bible" ~Charles H. Spurgeon
I've enjoyed visiting some really good books the last couple months. With the provincial restrictions being as stringent as they were, there were many evenings enjoyed in the living room, sometimes with books in hand, other times in MarioKart tournaments, or fort building.
From historical fiction, to biography, to Christian living, I hope you find something of interest this month, as I share with you what has crossed my shelf.

Christian Living
Here's a book for moms, that helps us to recognize our tendency toward self-sufficiency, the struggle of sacrifices in motherhood, and point us toward Christ, who is enough! 5 stars, highly recommend!! Read my full review here.
Ever wonder how to live as a Christian in an increasingly secular world? He provides some great perspective for believers, as we seek to be, and live, as lights in a dark world. Read more here.
This is a meaty book, but it was SO worth the read. Piper takes us through scripture helping us to see the way God acted and moved, and helps us apply these truths to our lives today. It tackles some tough issues, and it's 750 pages. 5 stars!! My full review is found here.
If you've grown up in the church, the Ten Commandments may be familiar. She challenges us to a deeper and expansive obedience of the moral law, inviting us to wrestle with the issues of our heart, so that we can delight in and follow God wholeheartedly. Read the full review here. 5 stars!!
Christian Fiction
She is an excellent author for dual timeline stories, and especially those with a slight eerie feel! This one takes place in the early 1900's where a girl named Pippa develops a curiosity about the people working at her father's circus. There's a "watchman" who has been sending her mysterious messages, and she thinks he is linked to the circus. The other timeline features a woman named Chandler who purchased the old train depot where the circus used to run. Battling with a new diagnosis and life as a single mom, her discoveries lead her back to the old mystery of the watchman.
Here's a historical fiction novel that takes place in the territory of Kentucke in the 1700's where the Tucker family runs an inn for frontiersmen who pass by. Temperance Tucker is a strong, industrious woman living life on the frontier. Her adeptness for the skills of tracking and wilderness living place her in the role to assist a group of surveyors on their journey, led by Sion Morgan.
It wasn't her idea to go with the group, but because her father has a bounty on his head from a deadly altercation with a surveyor, she must lead them away from the inn in order to keep their family safe. But leading them away has dangers of its own.
This is a biography of Susannah Spurgeon. I'd not read much about her, or her husband, so this was insightful for me. I was struck by the physical ailments of both Susie and her husband, and yet how deeply devoted they were to their ministry and to each other. Her love for books and providing resources for others echoes my own, so that was neat.
This is the first time I've read it. (I'm pretty sure I watched the movie in high school, but I didn't remember much of it). I enjoy reading fantasy, so this was a good, simple read. The mystery is engaging, and the imagery creative. Now, I can't leave it at one, so on to the next in the series!!
Jen Polluck Michel is a great writer; she's poetic, and inviting. This devotional is designed to help you build a habit of faith, by digging deep into the Word every day for 40 days. Each devo is a blend of story and teaching that ushers you through the books of Deuteronomy and the Gospel of John, with reflection questions at the end of each, and a collection of group discussion questions at the end. This is an excellent resource for the Lenten season, but could be used anytime. Often devotionals are story-driven, but if you are looking for something with more "meat," this one could be for you.
Living inside the Information Age, it is so challenging to carve out time for reflection. Bombarded by sound-bites from social media, we are in a constant state of triage from one headline to the next.
Anna's book is a collection of inspirational readings for your everyday life. With biblical themes, it is practical for the struggles we face daily, with excellent reflection questions to help you "pause and sift" through the chaos of our mind and the busyness of our day.
If you are looking for a book that will encourage your heart and your mind, pick this up! I highly recommend it
Hope you found something that you might enjoy. It's always a joy to share books and receive recommendations!
What's been on your shelf lately?
